Saturday, July 12, 2014

I'm not dead yet

With the lining mostly done (just a few narrow patches remain), the next step is attaching the false keel. I'd written before that I planned to carve out a channel from the hull lining at the bow and inset the false keel there.

The beginnings of the channel for the false keel along the bow. Needs a
few small tweaks to provide for a firm fit.
I made some headway at that, but then decided it might just be better to sand down the 4 millimeters I need and rest the keel upon it. Seemed a bit less labor intensive and quicker to be done.

But, after working at that for a bit, I've gone back to the original plan: I'm removing some of the bow planks, and the 4mm-wide false keel at the bow will rest in there. At the bottom of the ship, the keel will sit directly on unlined planks. I'll need to sand a bit at where the curved bow meets that straight bottom pieces, but that's no biggy.

This is a digression from the directions, and maybe not how actual ships were made. But, it'll make (I hope) for a better-looking ship on display. I hope.

Other projects abound: moving (my work space now has a windowed view, and it's in a separate room), work, etc. Summer in California has been nice, as have trips to the Outer Banks and Portland. I hope to pick this up a bit more over the last month; there's much time to make up.