Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lining the hull, part 1

The first few hull liners (dark wood, below the gunwales) are on.
Last bit of work for 2013: I put a few liners on the hull. They look pretty good, and they came together for the sharp curve at the stern much better than I ever anticipated.

Still, they whole thing will be a bit touchy. While the underlying planks' outer faces don't completely touch (rather, they abut on their inner faces, where they touch the interior frames), the outer lining needs to be contiguous, spanning the gaps between the planks' outer faces and connecting smoothly with each other. Fortunately, the renin is pretty flexible -- but, "sealing up" every gap and ensuring smooth connections will require some significant spot work with the glue plus, I expect, some small custom-trimmed shims and patches near areas of extreme curvature.

Follow the line of pins up, and keep an eye on the shadow cast by the
gunwales onto the liners: the shadowless area between the gunport and
pins is a bulge cause by me insufficiently filing down the pinheads.
Which kind of makes me a ... pinhead?
Also stumbled into another small issue: in a few spots, I didn't quite file down the pin heads enough; consequently, there are a couple of small but perceptible bulges in the lining. Not sure how exactly I'll rectify this for what's in place, but I'm banking now on just being able to gloss it over with how I place the running strakes. For future work, I'll figure it out either between doing more filing (which is difficult in at least one direction, what with the liners now blocking on direction of movement) or carving a little channel on the back side to accommodate the bulge.

I cracked open a new container of glue for all this, and I'm annoyed that it doesn't have the near-instantaneous adhesion I got from my first bottle. It's also a bit messy, a result from me cutting open the nose slightly, but sufficiently, too low. I'll probably go looking for a more adroit, faster-acting cyanoacrylate glue before continuing work.

In the meantime: Merry Christmas!

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